
Irbesartan belongs to a family of medicines known as angiotensin II receptor blockers. What side effects are possible with Avapro?

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After using Avapro. Product description Read this leaflet carefully before taking Avapro. This leaflet answers some common questions about Avapro.

AVAPRO (irbesartan) is indicated for the treatment of hypertension. In this population, AVAPRO reduces the rate of progression of nephropathy as

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AVAPRO (irbesartan) is indicated for the treatment of hypertension. In this population, AVAPRO reduces the rate of progression of nephropathy as

Avapro information from Drugs.com, includes Avapro side effects, interactions and indications. Avapro may cause injury and even death to the unborn baby if

AVAPRO. HCT tablets contain two medicines, irbesartan and hydrochlorothiazide. AVAPRO HCT lowers high blood. pressure, which doctors call. hypertension.

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Basic facts about the drug that can lower a person's blood pressure by preventing the hormone angiotensin II from narrowing the blood vessels.

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AVAPRO slows the decrease of. kidney function in patients with high It is not known if AVAPRO passes. into breast milk, therefore it is not

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Clinical summary of the angiotensin-II receptor antagonist.

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Warnings, precautions, and contraindications from Physician's Weekly. When pregnancy is detected, AVAPRO should be discontinued as soon as possible.

Avapro (Irbesartan) - Drug Information, Research, Clinical Trials, News When pregnancy is detected, AVAPRO should be discontinued as soon as possible.

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Posted by vivian on Monday, August 6, 2007 at 11:24 PM | Permalink